Monday, August 22, 2011

Smores Brownies

I know I just posted a smoresesque recipe not too long a go...but if you have leftover ingredients, now is the perfect time to try this dessert! Most people don't know that I'm also a couponer, not the crazy kind-but I like getting good deals! I recently got a really good deal on brownie mix so, I will be cheating and this recipe won't be entirely from scratch (not that that's a bad thing!)

1 Box Brownie Mix
1 cup crumbled graham crackers
1 cup marshmallows


1. Mix brownies according to box instructions.

2. Before pouring into pan, mix in graham cracker crumbles.

3. Pour mix into pan and top with marshmallows. Bake according to box instructions (or a few minutes shy if you like them chewy like I do!)

3 Easy Steps and you have "Gourmet Brownies"

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