Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tomato Feta Baguettes

We had a family get together tonight at the Jano's house and I made these delicious baguettes for appetizers. They are also very easy and no baking required (anyone notice a trend yet?) I'll be posting lots of recipes next is my best friend's baby shower and I'm making all of the food, so I can't wait to share! Also, if you've tried any of my recipes...please let me know! I would love to hear how they worked for you! I've had over 500 views in less than two weeks so I hope someone has tried something!

Cherry Tomatoes
Sliced Baguette Chips (found in the bakery area pre-sliced)
Feta Cheese
Gia Russa Balsamic Glaze

3 Easy Steps:

1. Slice cherry tomatoes in half and top baguette chips.

2. Sprinkle baguette chips with feta cheese.

3. Drizzle balsamic glaze over baguette chips.